Robbie Persistent Disk
Robbie CLI commands allow you to manipulate files in the user's persistent-disk
before or after you run a job. The persistent-disk
will be automatically mounted at /home/job-user/persistent-disk
on the remote machine when you run a job.
Supported commands:
- list files and folderscp
- copy files to and from the local machine to thepersistent-disk
or between locations on thepersistent-disk
- move files to and from the local machine to thepersistent-disk
or between locations on thepersistent-disk
- create directories/folders on thepersistent-disk
- remove files or folders on thepersistent-disk
Differences with corresponding Unix/Linux commands
While these commands may look similar to Unix/Linux there are differences in the syntax and behavior. Where there are behavior differences, it will be noted as a reference. Additionally, the Robbie CLI does not have the concept of a current working directory (e.g.`cd`
command) on the persistent-disk
All commands that reference (using pd://
) the persistent-disk
files and folders require absolute path names. Relative paths are not supported. When running these commands, you identify files and folders on the persistent disk using the pd://
prefix. Files or folders without the pd://
prefix are assumed to be on your local machine and DO support absolute and relative path names.
Underlying implementation
The current persistent-disk
is implemented on top of Amazon S3. The Robbie CLI commands are meant to hide the complexity of S3 and implement permissions so users can only view their files. In terms of the Robbie system, your persistent disk will be located at: s3://positron-dev-workspaces/{email}/persistent-job-disk
All commands automatically insert the correct s3 path into commands such that the persistent-disk
root (s3://) is always: s3://positron-dev-workspaces/{email}/persistent-job-disk
List files/folders
List all files/folders in root directory
You should see all files and folders in the user's /home/job-user/persistent-disk
Names denoted with a PRE
are folders.
List all files/folders in the test
directory (note the following "/", that is required)
directory (note the following "/", that is required)List all files/folders in the test
directory and below recursively (note the following "/", that is required)
directory and below recursively (note the following "/", that is required)List all files/folders in that match the pattern test
directory (note there is no "/")
directory (note there is no "/")Try to list a non-existing folder
Expected Result: Nothing will be displayed
Create a folder
You should see something like this:
{ "ETag": ""d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"", "ChecksumCRC32": "AAAAAA==", "ChecksumType": "FULL_OBJECT", "ServerSideEncryption": "AES256" }
If you attempt to create an existing folder, it just returns the above.
Copying files from local machine to persistent-disk
Copy a local file to the persistent-disk
root directory
root directory— or --
Copy a local file to the persistent-disk
root directory
root directoryRecursively copy a local file to the persistent-disk
example, if you had a local directory called images
filled with .jpg file, you could run
robbie pd cp ./images pd://images --recursive
and it would create the images folder on the pd and upload all the images
Copying files from persistent-disk
to local machine
to local machineCopy a file in the persistent-disk
root directory to the local CWD
root directory to the local CWD-- other option --
Copy a file in the persistent-disk
root directory to the local CWD
root directory to the local CWDRecursive copy files from bucket/prefix to local machine
copying files between folders
Moving files same semantic as cp
Recursively move files between folders on pd
Deleting files/folders
Delete a file in a folder
Recursively removing files in a folder and the folder (equivalent to rm -rf <folder>
rm -rf <folder>
)Recursively removing files in a folder and the folder (equivalent to rm -rf <folder>
) but exclude ".mat" files
rm -rf <folder>
) but exclude ".mat" filesLast updated
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