robbie config

robbie config


Enables a user to interactively create a job configuration file (job_config.yaml) to be used by future runs. Here is an explanation of the options. The text in parenthesis is the corresponding value in the job_config.yaml file. Value in brackets [] represent the default value that will be selected if you simply hit the return key. You can hit the tab key to see a menu of options.

  • Choose a job type (job_type)- You have two options:

    • Command Runner - This job runs Linux shell commands on the remote machine.

    • Remote Function - This job runs a function of your local Python code on the remote machine.

  • Choose an environment for the remote machine (mode)- How to use Python on the remote machine.

    • Generic - for non-Python related jobs, for example, data processing

    • Python - Jobs running in a Python (non-conda) environment.

    • Conda - Jobs running in a Conda environment.

  • Choose Python version (rpv)- For Python environments only. An advanced setting that gives you the option to specify the version of Python to use on the remote machine.

    • local (default) - the Python version in the current environment

    • 3.9-3.12 - Other Python versions

  • Choose a conda environment [.yml/.yaml] file (dependencies) - For Conda environments only. Choose the conda environment file to use.

    • *.yml - An existing environment file in the local directory.

    • auto-capture - Automatically captures the conda dependencies from the current activated conda environment. Not available is you are not running under conda.

  • Python Dependencies (dependencies) - For Python environment only. The Python dependency file to use.

    • auto-capture - Automatically captures the Python dependencies from the current environment.

    • *.txt - An existing requirements.txt file in the current working directory.

  • Select how to bill your job (funding_group_id) - This is how your job will be billed:

    • Personal tokens - These are tokens that you purchased (or free trial).

    • Funding Groups - These are tokens from teams that you have been invited to.

  • Select your preferred hardware (environment_id) - You can manually choose the hardware (CPU, GPU) that you want to run your job on. The cluster and cost per hour is shown. For example,

    • AWS CPU (2 Tokens/Hour) - This is a CPU machine in AWS that costs 2 tokens per hour.

    • NERC Medium GPU (7 Tokens/Hour) - This is a GPU machine running in NERC that costs 7 tokens per hour.

  • Copy local CWD to be copied to the remote machine? (include_local_dir) - Select yif you want the files in your local directory to be copied the remote machine. By default the following files and directories are not copied:

    • .python-version

    • .DS_Store

    • __pycache__

    • job-execution

    • .robbie

    • .ipynb_checkpoints

    • venv

    • .pyenv

    • .git

    • .venv

Advanced Options (choose ywhen asked if you want to `Configure advanced options?`)

  • Enter file patterns to ignore (custom_file_filter) - These are full, partial, or wildcarded names of files to ignore when copying from the local directory to the remote machine if you answered yto Copy local CWD to be copied to the remote machine?

  • Select your preferred image (image) - You can manually choose an image or have Robbie automatically select one for you.

    • auto-select - Have Robbie automatically choose the image for your job.

  • Maximum tokens (max_tokens) to consume before the job is automatically terminated.

  • Max duration (max_duration) in minutes before the job is automatically terminated.

  • Environment variable name (env) - These are the environment variables to set on the remote machine. You can specify a name and value or leave the value blank and Robbie will take the current local environment variable value and send that to the remote machine.

  • Enter the commands to run on the remote machine (commands) - For Command runner jobs only. These are the shell commands to run on the remote machine.

  • Please enter a custom run name (name) - If you would like to customize the run name, alternatively Robbie can generate a unique name for you.

You can then choose a name for the configuration file (job_config.yaml is the default) and save it in your local directory.

Last updated

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